Who are the Members of the Transitional Presidential Council?

Since Thursday, April 25, 2024, the nine members of the Presidential Transition Council have been leading the country. Le Nouvelliste provides an overview of the composition of this large grouping of political actors and civil society members from almost all sectors and tendencies of the country. A brief portrait of the new holders of power, presented in alphabetical order.

Robenson Geffrard
Par Robenson Geffrard
29 Apr 2024 | Lecture : 6 min.

Régine Abraham:

Until her appointment to the Transitional Presidential Council by the Rally for National Unity (REN) as a non-voting member, Régine Abraham was not known to the general public. An agronomist by training, she holds a degree in agronomy from the Agrarian University of Havana in Cuba. She also holds a degree in Management from the Lumière University of Haiti and a master's degree in Rural Development from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM).

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